Thursday, September 01, 2005

anoop.....its me

its all abt our all time fav frnd "paaamp" anoop......he has always been a good frnd of mine..even frm the first year....the most important chatacter i found in him was his open nature...he points out our mistakes and try to correct rt....and to tel more.... he has hs own stand in evry matter and he tries his level best to stick onto tht..a guy who is a good organizer,creative and the most imp thng caring....he has a gr8 attachment towards his family and the same attchment towds frnds....a good frnd to all.....even though our frndship vitnessed many hills and vales hes one of my best friends...thanx da for being my friend and 1 imp thng....plzzzz do ctrl ur fufu and boozes.....i know u can do tht ...all the very best 4 a bright future...luv danya

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