Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Abt Naru...

Naru was one of the few persons whom i knew before coming to this college..we were in the same tuition class for 1 that time hardly did i realize that he is a buji in all fields..we became friends very late.. i think we became good friends during s6 only..when we were in the same batch for the microprocessor lab..he is a very good friend who is always willing to help all..a very good character i have seen in him is that even though he is a genious he always comes down to our level to explain things in an understandable manner whenever we ask him about anything..
then he is a bit lazy..naru keep aside your laziness for a while and then u are sure to achieve greater heights...
ALL THE BEST for all ur attempts especially for CAT and also for the 'no fufu no gugu' campaign..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanx Manee...u were a real relief in the MP know about our partner and my 'best' 'friend'...u made me oblivious to his presence