Wednesday, November 23, 2005

An oppinion poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when i saw the news abt the latticharge by police in MG college,i really felt "is this campus politics really good for us?". after the "ragging" incident in nursing college, lots of leaders have strongly supported the need 4 campus politics and talked in length abt the role played by political partied in checking ragging!!!! but,is this helpful????will any1 benefit frm these campus politics????plz. do comment!!!! especially KIRU....u r the 1 among us who has had an active political campus life........


Unknown said...

Now I may draw up a lot of flak.
First of all what is the use of campus politics? To instill the democratic values in students and ready them for the world! Ya ready them up your candy ass! Whats happening now? the poitical parties barring none are simply using them as a vehicle for widening their support base. The students are young and restless and they need an outlet. Campus politics give them an easy access to play shit. Wrecking havoc in the campus and stoning property are their 'peaceful methodologies'.
And let me ask one thing Why are we going to college? Essentially to study and get a good job. The personality development will come along with it. Theres no need of developing it as such. Remember one thing. Life is always unfair. Some people are talented and others are not. These others take to politics and simply wreck the harmony.
So we dont need campus politics in its current form. Non -political and autonomous student bodies in individual colleges are what are required.
I dont think having student reps in university are making any good change as far as we are concerned.
Some may say that I lack experience of being in the midst of action. I say go and shove it up your lilly behinds. i dont want to and I dont need to. I have seen a lot of stuff in many colleges and a lots of action up close and personal too. I know what these people want. Really, the ONLY AIM IS TO SHINE IN FRONT OF PEOPLE AND SHOW THEM YOU ARE GREAT. Now that sickens me *puke*

Unknown said...

O ya! how to solve student issues? I said independent autonomous student unions can do the job provided the students are good enough. If they are'nt then they dont deserve anyting better. Stand up for your beliefs and your side...its better to be a small family of lions than be a large herd of deers...
'put em up' I am in a murderous mood and dont you dare to start a war with me...

naveen said...

great posting naru...even i 2 am a strong believer tht politics shld not b encouraged in campus!!!! but is campus politics the only way tht youths enter politics???i mean,look at the current scenerio...ellam kelavanmar!!! a bright and talented youth may do wonders 2 this eg. is K B Ganeshkumar!!! he was young,spirited and worked 4 the devpd of KSRTC!!!! whts ur opinion on "Shld youth enter politics??" i think tht ee kelavanmare kondu oru gunavum illa...they r spineless and oly think abt the next election.

Unknown said...

I am just against the current setup of campus politics. youth shld be encouraged to come into politics. When u are young u have the energy and will to do things. e.g Ganesh Kumar.
Look at the cases of other countries. Take UK, there are a lot of young Mps there and they are driving the developmental wagon forward.

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