Monday, January 23, 2006

About Kiran...

My first memory of Kiran was of a very serious and old(!) guy sitting in the library and reading some computer organisation book. Me thought...Whoaahh! Serious Buji...
Buji yes but serious not quite...
As we all know he is quite a fun loving guy and leads the way in all 'Fun" activities...
If I have to say a fufu guru for me it has to be him and Pana...
We have had a lot of intelligent discussions which I have thoroughly enjoyed...straight from International Politics to cute girls!
He definitely has his own point of view and never fails to express his thought at some issue no matter how controversial it is...
A real cunning guy he is...He can use his speech to good effect and garner support for anything and that is essentially a good quality to have if you plan to rise through the ranks...
As I said he is a great buji and was instrumental in starting the combined studies. He has really helped me in my studies as well.
Well what to say more... All the best and rock Huawei!!!


naveen said...

Good,u 2 realise tht he is cunning. Nice 2 hear tht(Jocking)......

kiran said...

Naru aliya...u and naveen said it..yes iam cunning(little bit..)and sometimes selfish too.. It is not that iam looking things at a different angle,it is that most of the times i look things in a way so that it could be beneficial to me! i admit that many times i used my speech to garner support mainly for my reasons and not often for others.I also know that i never said to anyone that he/she is good. i will try to change!